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25th Jan. 2011

Kaji Group

Renewed Kaji Group portal site opened.

16th Dec. 2010

Kaji Group

The Sen-i-News featured Mr. Masataka Kaji.

30th Nov. 2010

Kaji Group

The Senken Shinbun featured Mr. Masataka Kaji.

8th Nov. 2010

Kaji Seisakusho

Co-sponsored the 25 year anniversary for Ishikawa Indonesia Friendship Association (in Kanazawa-shi).More information

28th Oct. 2010

Kaji Seisakusho

The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun featured Kaji Seisakusho in its serial feature article introducing suppliers for automobile industry.Related Articles

27th Oct. 2010

Kaji Group

Announcement: Mr. Fujiro Kaji became chariaman, and Mr. Masataka Kaji became president, of Kaji Nylon Inc., Kajirene Inc., Kaji Knit Inc. and Kaji Sewing Inc.

14th Oct. 2010

Kaji Nylon

Kaji Nylon was awarded by Textile And Fashion Resource Ishikawa Corporation at Ishikawa Textile Contest.Related Articles

6th Oct. 2010


Taking part in “The Assistance Projects for Advanced Strategic Basic Technologies,” commissioned by Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry (Kansai METI).

20th Aug. 2010

Kaji Seisakusho

Announcement: Mr. Fujiro Kaji became chariaman, and Mr. Masataka Kaji became president, of Kaji Seisakusho Co., Ltd.

11th Aug. 2010

Kaji Seisakusho

Signed a sales agreement with T-Tech Japan Corp.

3rd Aug. 2010


Selected as a recipient of 2009 Creative Design and Manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises development expense from the government.

2nd Mar. 2010

Kaji Group

Started a work group with major manufacturers for development of new materials for sports clothes.

1st Oct. 2009

Kaji Seisakusho

Renewed ISO9001 2008 certification.
