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Cold forging and cutting division

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Metal processing
  • Cold forging
  • Cutting and grinding
  • Parts for automobile and motorbikes
  • Parts for looming machines

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Producing less waste and making the output closer to the final specifications enables significant reduction of cutting process.
For some products, through work hardening during cold deformation, hardening can be achieved without heating process, thus reducing cost.

We further equip 7 double- and 6 single-spindle, high-speed CNC lathes with auto-loader system as well as 6 vertical milling machines.

For the NC lathes, we mainly deal with blanking processes for iron and molding from 20 to 150 mm in diameter, whereas the milling machines deal with tap, groove and long hole processing among others.

By handle total, integrated processing with cold forging, NC lathes and milling machines,
we pursue to respond to customers high expectations.

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